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Wednesday, May 26 2021
Ram Lamb Update

We've weaned all the ram lambs now and are now watching fleeces. I'm doing ram lamb fleece checks from time to time to get an idea of which fleeces will be what colors and textures by shearing so I can plan my fall line of shawls, capes, and pocket wraps.  Rather than stress them out by snatching them up all at once, it's easier to sneak peeks while they're eating when they think their neighbor is touching them instead of me. Here are some pics of the fall lamb fleeces. 




Posted by: Sheri Langford AT 01:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, May 15 2021
Cranberry Salsa/Maddie Shawl


This unique shawl was made on a triangle continuous strand loom using yarn, roving and locks from Cranberry Salsa and Maddie. The finishing piece was an antique button found in a box of personal items, along with old love letters tied with a frayed ribbon, in a elderly war bride's vintage home. 


Roving was woven and felted to add texture. 






It all starts with the sheep - Cranberry Salsa and Maddie. 






And it ends with a happy customer! 




Posted by: Sheri Rowe Langford AT 06:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, May 15 2021
Shearing Day

Shearing Day is always so exciting but with a tinge of anxiety. Be it six months or a year, that fleece is the culmination of a season of work. It's the frustration of sheep having parties with alfalfa and cockleburrs. It's the pleasant surprise of some fleeces better than expected, and the disappointment of others less than stellar.


Shearing Day is a flurry of activity. Shearing, bagging, sweeping, repeat. Again and again. Naked and happy ewes bounce off to join others while we grab the next one up. And a few hours later we are left with bags and bags of hope. And the next level of work begins. 




Posted by: Sheri Rowe Langford AT 05:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email